Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Honey!

Yesterday was my niece's and nephew's birthday. The twins turned four and they looked so adorable in the dresses I got for them! Both of them are the 
cutest kids ever and so terribly sweet!

Here's what I got for my niece:

$80.00, Dimples and Dandelions

$24.00, Dimples and Dandelions

And for my nephew:

$40.00, Dimples and Dandelions

$34.95, Nordstrom

When it comes to splurging on the kids, nothing can stop me. I run behind them in the shops, hoping they won't pick up the most expensive thing like they do all the time (They take after
their aunt in their taste) but when they smile at me innocently with big eyes, clutching a box tightly, I hand out my credit card silently to the very amused shop assistant.


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